• Access for All Student w/ Chromebook Hello and welcome to the El Monte Union High School District. Education within the 21st century demands that our students communicate, collaborate, create, and apply critical thinking skills, all within an ever-expanding digital learning environment. EMUHSD recognizes this significant technological shift and has taken every step to ensure that access to our curriculum and resources will never become a barrier to our student’s education. Therefore, we have made “Access for All” an essential right within our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which has led us to an amazing offering that we’ll be providing students with their own dedicated laptop for both school and home use. Our students will also get to take their assigned laptops with them upon graduation, which is another great opportunity as they move on to higher education...so please take care of those devices.

    EMUHSD is also proud to partner with T-Mobile on their Project 10 Million (P10M) program, which provides free mobile internet access to students who do not have access to the internet at home. Read below for more details regarding this program's offering and eligibility requirements.

    Within this resource website, you'll find everything you need to know about the program including how to become eligible to receive your laptop, view the new student orientation & program tutorial videos, answer frequently asked questions, and much more. Please utilize the navigation links provided on the left to learn all about the Access for All initiative. 

    Program Eligibility Requirements

    As part of the Access for All program, all are eligible to receive a Chromebook laptop, charger, and device protective case for take-home use. The only two requirements of this program are as follows:

    1. The parent or guardian must read and acknowledge the online "Student Technology Usage Agreement" while completing the Synergy Online Registration system. A copy is found here: www.emuhsd.org/studenttechagreement
      Alternative Form Link for "Access for All": New students who have not yet utilized online registration may access this requirement here: www.emuhsd.org/a4aform (student Google account credentials must be used to log into this form. 
    2. All students must also watch and acknowledge the "Access for All 1:1 Orientation video", which is also embedded within the online registration system. A copy can also be found here: www.emuhsd.org/studenttechvideo  

    Once these two small but important requirements are met, the student's account will be updated within our system, and will become eligible to have the laptop equipment checked out to the student during one of 3 time periods: 1) Summer School of their 9th-grade year 2) the school's registration week which is typically held in early August annually or 3) as the student enrolls into the district throughout the year.

    Optional Project 10 Million Free Internet Program

    For students who do not have internet access at home and would also like to participate in the optional Project 10 Million program offering to receive a free wireless internet device (MiFi), the student and parent or guardian must also sign the additional P10M online application before the device can be ordered and assigned to the student. Note: This program has monthly data usage requirements that must be met monthly in order to remain eligible.