• Submit your One Million Program form today Just like the Access for All initiative, it is a requirement that every student, as well as their respective parent or guardian, must complete the Project 10 Million (P10M) Online Agreement form provided prior to receiving the optional wireless internet (MiFi) device. The student's Google login credentials (district email address and password) are required in order to view and submit the form. For information about obtaining these credentials, click here

    Once the form is submitted, the district will send out email notifications to the student's district email account regarding acceptance,  delivery pickup date, and location. Note: The typical turn around time for orders is 1-2 weeks from once the application is submitted during the school year or prior to school beginning each year.  

    A copy of the Rules and Regulations stated within the P10M form are provided below to read, download, and print. Only the online version of the form above can be submitted for student program eligibility purposes. Students must meet the monthly data usage requirements for this device. 

    We are now accepting applications for participation in EMUHSD's P10M program. 
    Click the button below to fill out the brief form utilizing the student's provided district Google account. 

    Apply for the 1MP Free Internet Program

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.