• As a featured addition to the district's "Access for All" 1:1 Chromebook take-home program, the El Monte Union High School District is extremely proud to announce that we are providing our graduating Seniors with the tools they need to succeed in this global digital community. Seniors will be able to keep their assigned district Chromebook, case, and MiFi internet devices from the Program 10 Million as they continue their individual journeys toward greatness. This offering is consistent with the existing EMUHSD Surplus/Obsolete Equipment board policy (BP 3270). Please review the procedural steps provided below in order for Seniors to be eligible for this equipment offer. Only students who have completed their entire educational career with EMUHSD are eligible for this program. 

    What are the procedural steps involved in this free equipment offer?
    As part of the high school check-out process for graduating students, all Seniors who fully complete their checkout form which is comprised of final semester grading as well as turning in all music/athletic equipment, textbooks, library books, and finally clearing all fines, will be made eligible for the free equipment offer. During the checkout date(s) the graduating student will visit the Chromebook station as a final step. After the staff verifies that the student account is clear, they will verify the assigned device(s) the student has in their possession and proceed in clearing them out of the various inventory systems. The student will receive a half sheet paper with additional information on steps students will need to complete once they receive a confirmation email from the district before the device ownership is fully transferred to the student. If students lose their information slip, it can viewed here.       

    After graduation, students will have 2-3 weeks (typically by June 30th) to copy any files or emails they wish to keep from their school account to personal Google accounts. Instructions for the Google Take Out program are available at: www.emuhsd.org/takeout.

    Resetting the Chromebook (Powerwash)
    ONLY after the graduating senior receives a final device clearance email from the district (typically in late June), those seniors may then factory reset (Powerwash) their previously assigned Chromebook device. This process erases all data, district configurations, and settings within a few minutes. Powerwash directions can be found here: www.emuhsd.org/powerwash  Once these steps have been followed completely, the Chromebook can now be utilized by any Google account for future use and a district email address is no longer required. If after the Powerwash the device still requires a district login, you can try this alternative method see "wipe a Chromebook". If you still have trouble with the Chromebook, you can reach out to the site technicians via email here
    Important Note: Any attempt by graduating seniors to Powerwash their Chromebook prior to receiving the email confirmation from the district or by any non-graduating students, will result in lost data and can also result in damage to the laptop. All district configurations settings will be reinstalled upon restart for those devices that have not been removed properly from the district's inventory systems.

    Device Liability & Support
    Once the device is removed from the district's system and the student has graduated, EMUHSD no longer responsible for the health of the Chromebook device. Students should observe information regarding Google/Chrome support for the Chromebook model at Google Chrome Enterprise Help Auto Update policy and know that these Chromebooks are being offered "as is"; no warranty or repairs will be offered by the district once the student has graduated. Students are more than welcome to seek repairs if need by third-party providers within the area. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will Internet filtering & tracking still be applied to the Chromebook after graduation?

    Posted by:

    District internet filtering and tracking capabilities will no longer be applied once the device is removed from the district inventory and policies. After receiving the clearance email, students will have the go-ahead to Powerwash the device will wipe out these configuration settings.

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  • Will I be able to use the District Internet Hotspot (Mifi) after graduation?

    Posted by:

    The district partnered with the 1 Million Program for our free internet student Mifis. The parent company for this program is Sprint wireless. Students participating in the 1MP program will get to keep their Mifi upon graduating but the internet services will expire within 60 days of graduation. If a student would like to keep their services running for a nominal amount, the device can be reactivated by Sprint (and possibly other wireless internet providers) by simply bringing it into a local store and learning more about this offering. The recommendation by the district is to wait until the service expires fully before reaching out to Sprint to reactivate internet services on their Mifi device. 

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  • What happens if any technology hardware fails after graduation?

    Posted by:

    As stated above, these student devices are being offered "as is", no warranty or repairs will be offered by the district once the student has graduated. If there is a problem after the student has graduated, the student must seek assistance from outside tech support providers for troubleshooting. It the device is still requiring a district login and you received the clearance email, you can email the district tech support on this page and provide the Asset Tag/Serial number on the device to have it checked. 

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  • How will students transfer data from student/school account to their personal account?

    Posted by:

    Information on transferring files from the district student Google account to a personal account is available at www.emuhsd.org/takeout . Graduating Seniors will have up until June 30th to make this happen before their account is inactivated. 

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  • How will students log on to the Chromebook after graduation?

    Posted by:

    As stated above, students will have until June 30th to complete the Google Takeout procedure for copying files to personal Gmail accounts and Powerwashng the Chromebook before their student email accounts are inactivated by the district. Only students who have fully completed the Senior checkout procedural steps and have received the final clearance email will be able to wipe their Chromebook settings for use with their personal Google email account. 

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  • Are Community Based Instruction (CBI) students eligible for this equipment offering?

    Posted by:

    CBI students who are transitioning from their respective high schools over to Adult Transition Center will take their dedicated Chromebook and Mifi device with them as they transfer school locations, but are not eligible to retain/own any district equipment until their educational career with EMUHSD is fully completed.

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