Welcome to Assessment, Accountability, and Family Engagement

  • One of the goals of the Assessment, Accountability, and Family Engagement (AAFE) department is to support all students and staff with supplemental services and programs. The department works closely with all stakeholders to annually revise and implement the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The department also provides guidance and support as it relates to the implementation of targeted supplemental services. The AAFE department also works closely with staff to support and increase parent, family, and community engagement. Workshops and academies are offered based on input from parents and community members. 

    The department provides support and guidance in the following areas:

    Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)


    • Advanced Placement (AP)
    • California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
    • California School Dashboard
    • English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
    • Physical Fitness Testing (PFT)

    College and Career Family Conference

    College Readiness (College and Career Coordinators)

    District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

    English Learners

    Federal Categorical Funds:

    • Title I
    • Title II
    • Title III, Part A- Limited English Proficient
    • Title III, Part A- Immigrant 

    Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)

    Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

    McKinney-Vento Act

    Online and Personalized Learning

    Parent and Family Engagement

    Parent Involvement Academy

    School Site Council (SSC)

    Single Plans for Student Achievement (SPSA)

    Summer Bridge



    Department staff works with site staff to provide students with supplemental services and materials which enhance the core curriculum and enable all students to be successful learners within the regular program. The services and materials purchased with categorical funds must be supplemental to the district core program and all expenditures must be considered necessary and reasonable.

    El Monte Union High School District receives the following categorical funding:

    Federal Programs:

    • Title I, – Part A provides supplemental funds to close the achievement gap between disadvantaged children and other children in those areas where the highest concentrations of children from low-income families attend school.
    • Title II, Part A provides grants to increase student academic achievement by improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the schools.
    • Title III, Part A provides funding for supplementary programs and services for English Learners. Funds may be used for instructional support, curricular development, parental involvement and related program activities.
    • Title III, Part A (Immigrant) provides funding for supplemental programs and services for identified Immigrant students. 

    For further information about our department or any programs we support, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

    Edith Echeverria

    Edith Echeverria
    Director of Assessment, Accountability, and Family Engagement
    El Monte Union High School District
    626-444-9005 x9912

  • Contact Info - Assessment, Accountability, and Family Engagement
    3537 Johnson Ave
    El Monte, CA. 91731
    626-444-9005 x9912