- El Monte Union High School District
- Work Permit
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Apply for Your Work Permit Online
You may now access the work permit application process electronically through the links below:
How to Apply for a Work Permit
Cómo solicitar un permiso de trabajo
You will be directed to a form with links to the application. Once you have completed the application, save it as a PDF and upload it. You will receive notification that your application has been received.
Please allow 24 hours for your permit to be processed. You will be receiving a phone call or email within 2-3 days with instructions of where to pick up your permit. Please ensure you bring your school ID for verification.
If you have any questions, please call Griselda Chavez at 626-444-9005 x9921, or email at griselda.chavez@emuhsd.org
Thank you.
Work Permit Application - English
If you need assistance with work permits please contact Griselda Chavez griselda.chavez@emuhsd.org.
Blank_English_Work_Permit_Information_for_Hours_of_Operation_5-10-2022.pdf 490.87 KB (Last Modified on August 15, 2022) -
Permiso de Trabajo – Español
Si necesita ayuda con los permisos de trabajo, comuniquese con Griselda Chavez griselda.chavez@emuhsd.org
Blank_Spanish_Work_Permit_Information_for_Hours_of_Operation_2-17-22.pdf 339.74 KB (Last Modified on August 15, 2022)
Click on the hashtag above to view our work resources.
Important information that will help young workers find and maintain positive and safe employment.