• Independent Study is an optional educational alternative program. The primary goal of Independent Study is to provide a flexible educational program of an individualized nature. The student and their parent/guardian are asked to sign an agreement requiring the student to complete a minimum of 4 hours of course work per day and to meet with their instructor at least twice a week. Students are welcome to attend as often as they wish to receive additional instruction, to discuss assignments as needed, and to keep up with course the outline. At other times, when the students are completing assignments and have questions, the teacher is just a phone call away.

    Credit will be earned as coursework is completed. This allows students to work in their individual classes at their own pace. The work they will be doing is equal to and covers the same content as the district's comprehensive high schools. Multiple modes of instruction are provided for the students including individual instruction, cooperative learning, and updated educational technology.

    The Independent Study site is located at Fernando R. Ledesma High School (442-0481 ext. 4005). For more information, call the numbers listed.

                The Independent Study Program located on the Fernando R. Ledesma campus operates on a modular schedule:

                     MW:           8:30 - 9:50, 9:50 - 11:10, 11:10 - 12:25, 1:10-2:30pm

                     TTh:           time schedule is the same as above


    Friday is a makeup day for any missed appointments and for extra sessions. The staff will help and support the student, but self-discipline and hard work will be the key to achieving their educational goals.


    All students in this program need a referral from the home school or counselor approval from FRLHS.