• Reopening of Schools Task Force Input from stakeholders is the cornerstone of building our Reopen and Reimagine Plan for the 2020-21 school year. This includes the formation of our El Monte Union Reopening of Schools Task Force (RSTF), which includes principals, teachers, classified staff, parents and students, in order to design a plan that meets the needs of all students. The plan will include different scenarios that will allow for adaptability to an ever-changing environment. We understand this will not be an easy task, but we are optimistic that the work of our RSTF will successfully prevail. 

    The Reopening of Schools Task Force subcommittees will efficiently lead, recommend, share, and receive input, feedback, best practices and learned experiences towards providing guidance within their focal areas. Each of the 5 subcommittees is made up of members from every stakeholder group. The names of each committee member and lead facilitator can be found here. The goal of the RSTF will be to create a comprehensive Reopen and Reimagine that that thoroughly addresses each of the 5 guiding principles. 

    The information below is the presentations, notes, and resources used from prior RSTF meetings to facilitate the efforts in creating our plan.

Task Force Schedule

  • The following is a list of our Task Force scheduled meetings. The individual sub-committees are meeting in between these main meetings dates often. 

    • 5/27/2020 @ 1pm
    • 6/3/2020 @ 1pm
    • 6/10/2020 @ 1pm
    • 6/16/2020 @ 1pm
    • 6/25/2020 @ 1pm
    • 7/1/2020 @ 1pm
    • 7/8/2020 @ 1pm
    • 7/15/2020 @ 1pm
    • 7/22/2020 @ 1pm
    • 7/29/2020 @ 1pm