- El Monte Union High School District
- Parent & Student Meeting Archive
- Surveys & Results
In order to solicit parent, student, and staff input, online surveys have been created and emailed out to all EMUHSD stakeholders during the month of June. Our community is unique, and our students deserve the best - making your feedback truly invaluable. The 3 surveys are now closed and the results from all surveys have been provided below. We thank everyone who participated in this opportunity to provide the district with valuable feedback on the Reopen & Reimagine plans for our district on the upcoming 2020-21 school year.
Total Survey Respondents
1,892 Parents/Families
1,778 Students
568 Staff Members
Parent Survey Results
Will your child continue to be enrolled at the high school you identified above for the 2020-2021 school year?
- 97.4% - Yes
- 2.4% - Unsure
- 0.2 - No
Are you considering keeping your child home for the 2020-2021 school year and continuing with Distance Learning?
- 34.8% - No
- 34.2% - Unsure
- 31.0% - Yes
If students can physically return to school in August with health and safety measures in place, which option do you prefer?
- 39.6% - A blended schedule (students attend school sometimes but also work through Distance Learning)
- 33.1% - A traditional schedule (students attend every class, every day)
- 19.3% - Distance Learning ONLY (students never physically on campus)
- 8.0% - Unsure
Which blended schedule option would you prefer?
- 28.8% - Does not apply, prefer Traditional Schedule or Distance Learning only
- 24.7% - Students physically attend school TWO FULL DAYS a week and continue work through Distance Learning
- 18.8% - Students physically attend EVERY DAY five classes for 2 hours 20 minutes each day (either 7:45 am to 10:10 am or 12:30 pm to 2:50 pm) one period per day. Period 6 and Period 7 (Block Schools) will continue through Distance Learning.
- 9.9% - Still unsure
- 9.4% - Students physically attend school only ONE FULL DAY a week and continue work through Distance Learning
- 8.5% - Students physically attend school FOUR FULL DAYS a week every other week and continue work through Distance Learning
Frequent comments for "Please share any other schedules you would like the District to consider or any concerns you have":
- Student safety is a high priority
- Social distancing and masks are a must
- Reduced class sizes
- Reopen schools fully
- Distance learning until there is a vaccine
Student Survey Results
Many factors are important to consider when we reopen schools. Please select your top five priorities regarding health safety practices if schools were to open for in-person classes in the Fall. Here are the highest percentages:
- 65.9% Enhance cleaning of the surfaces in school
- 63.3% Hand sanitizer is provided & frequently used
- 52.1% Ability of masks/face coverings for everyone
- 49% Requirement for teachers/staff to wear coverings daily
- 48.8% Requirements for students to wear a mask/face coverings daily
- 41.3% Temperature screenings for students & staff each day
- 32.2% Staggering schedules to reduce class size and crowding
- 29.9% Limiting classroom seating to maintain social distancing
- 26.8% Staff are trained on CDC guidelines to reduce COVID19 transmission
How comfortable are you going to in-person school every day this fall, if there are health and safety measures like social distancing?
- 28.5% Neutral
- 23.4% Comfortable
- 21.2% Very Comfortable
- 13.4% Uncomfortable
- 13.4% Very Uncomfortable
Please rank how you'd prefer to receive services in the Fall 2020, with 1 being your top preference
- 1st Place - Full-time return to the regular school day and schedule
- 2nd Place - Full-time return to Distance Learning with new learning based on grade-level standards
- 3rd Place - Blended learning with daily sessions: Students attend in person certain days each week and complete assignments and activities via distance education the other days of the week
- 4th Place - Blended learning with half-day sessions: Students attend in person in either the morning or the afternoon and complete assignments and activities via distance education the other portion of each day
- 5th Place - Blended learning with weekly sessions: Students attend in person certain weeks each month and complete assignments and activities via Distance Learning the other weeks of the month
Frequent comments for "Please provide a different option you would like the District to consider":
- Attend one day a week, full-day
- Split the classes to reduce the size and alternate days
- Don't have any other options
- Unsure
Considering your experience with emergency Distance Learning implemented during Spring 2020, please indicate your top three priorities for Distance Learning if it is implemented in Fall 2020.
- 79.7% Assignments that can be accessed and completed at my own pace
- 49.2% Live meetings or lessons with the teacher and the whole class
- 48.3% Frequent feedback on my progress
- 32.7% Increased student access to counselors & support groups for academics
- 29.8% Online discussions
- 21.7% Virtual office hours for students and parents/guardians to meet with teachers
Considering your experience with emergency Distance Learning implemented during Spring 2020, please indicate your top three priorities for use of time if Distance Learning is implemented in Fall 2020.
- 66.5% Time spent on learning new things
- 62.5% Time spent on learning how to succeed in distance/online learning
- 36.6% Time spent purposely building relationships with other students
- 36.1% Time spent on social and emotional learning
- 26.1% Group projects
- 25.8% Support for families on how to support my learning at home
- 23.9% Time spent purposely building relationships with teachers
Which of the following statements best describes your overall feeling about returning to school?
- 44% I am excited to return to school and will return based on whatever safeguards the school district has in place
- 30.2% I am a little nervous about returning to school and will only return if social distancing, handwashing, face-covering guidelines, and temperature checks are encouraged.
- 18.7% I am REALLY nervous about returning to school and will only return if social distancing, handwashing, face-covering guidelines, and temperature checks are enforced.
- 7.1% Other
Given what we know about the COVID-19 pandemic, where do you prefer the school district focus its efforts?
- 41.6% Both of these are equally important to me
- 36.1% Making it safe for students and staff to return to school
- 14.5% Making Distance Learning the best it can be
- 7.8% I do not have a preference
Frequent comments for "Please share any suggestions or concerns you might have":
- No additional concerns
- What happens when a student gets infected
- Returning to school early may be unsafe
- Social distancing and masks must be enforced
- Crowded hallways and lunches need to be addressed
- Alternating schedules to limit class size
- Temperature checks weekly
Staff Survey Results
My experience with supporting Distance Learning while working remotely from home was:
- 52.8% Challenging yet effective
- 22.0% Successful
- 20.2% Frustrating
- 4.9% Ineffective
My comfort level in physically returning to my work site is:
- 28.2% Neutral
- 19.9% Very Uncomfortable
- 18.3% Comfortable
- 17.6% Very Comfortable
- 16.0% Uncomfortable
There are many factors to consider in planning for the reopening of schools. Please identify your top three concerns, if schools were to open for in-person classes in the fall.
- 68.0% Limiting classroom seating to maintain social distancing
- 66.2% Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and equipment
- 57.4% Staggering schedules to reduce class and crowding
- 33.6% Strict social distancing in hallways and common areas
- 26.9% Hand sanitizer is provided and is frequently used
My status for returning to work is as follows:
- 66.9% I am able to physically return to work at my assigned school site
- 19.9% I prefer to continue to work from home due to other reasons
- 9.3% I will need to continue to work from home due to an underlying health condition(s)
- 3.9% I will need to continue to work from home due to my age (65 and older)
Please rank how you'd prefer to deliver instruction/services to students for Fall 2020, with 1 being your top preference
- 1st choice - Blended learning
- 2nd choice - Distance learning
- 3rd choice - Traditional school
Please select your top three professional development needs in a Hybrid or continued Distance Learning setting
- 49.1% Optimizing lesson designs for online learning
- 39.9% How to support and monitor students through independent learning
- 36.5% Online resources, including assessment tools
- 28.2% Support for families on how to support learning at home
- 24.1% Identifying and responding to the socio-emotional needs of students
- 20.4% Live meetings or lessons with the teacher and the entire class
- 16.4% Online assessment tools