The El Monte Union High School District is working with the El Monte Police and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Departments to bring specially and highly trained non-aggressive canines or “detection dogs” onto our high school campuses throughout the school year to deter students from bringing contraband substances to school.  Random canine sweeps offer our school resource officers and school administrators a proactive approach to successfully locate and remove such contraband from a school.

    When done efficiently, canine assisted contraband sweeps help ensure the safety of students and staff with minimal disruption to the learning environment. The main purpose of this program is to deter students from bringing illegal substances to school, however it also serves a minimally invasive way to keeping out student and staff safe.  The detection dogs will help us locate and remove contraband, including possible weapons, from campus.

    How does the search work?

    During random campus visits, the dogs will sniff the air around lockers, gym areas, restrooms, vehicles, vacated classrooms and school grounds as they search for potential contraband items. Before a classroom is checked, students and staff will be asked to exit the classroom while school personnel accompany the canine team. With an administrator present, the canine team will sniff the interior of the room including the air around any belongings left behind, including backpacks.  EMUHSD Board Policy precludes the use of their dogs sniffing any student, employee, visitor or anyone else while on district property or at any district event.

    Please note that staff members’ possessions are subject to the search as well as students during random contraband-detection dog sweeps.  The El Monte Union High School District is a drug free zone.  For more information on the District’s use of contraband-detection dogs on campus, please refer to the following:

    Board Policy 5145.12 - Search and Seizure

    BP 5145.12

    AR 5145.12

    If you have any questions regarding the District’s use of detection dogs on campus, please do not hesitate to contact your principal or the superintendent’s office.  

    For your review, letters to parents are available for your review:

    Parent letter in English

    Parent letter in Spanish

    Parent letter in Chinese

    Parent letter in Vietnamese