- El Monte Union High School District
- Tech Support Requests
The El Monte Union High School District utilizes an application called School Dude to submit & manage all of it's technology, maintenance/facilities, and transportation support requests. Please use the links provided below to submit your request for help. If you have an emergency technology request and your local technology support staff is unavailable, please do not hesitate to call the Help Desk at x4357 (HELP) or email us at helpdesk@emuhsd.org.
Your district email address (first.lastname@emuhsd.org) and password will be your login credentials for the SchoolDude system. The system no longer requires a generic password to submit support requests in general. The website addresses have also changedMake a Request (All Staff)- To make an Technology, Maintenance, Facilites (Room Reservations) or Transportation request, you can do it all from one screen now. Click and bookmark this link--> www.emuhsd.org/schooldude
SchoolDude Administrators & Technicans
- For SchoolDude administrators and system "technicians", click and bookmark this link--> www.emuhsd.org/schooldudeadmin
How To Submit a Support Request
Navigate to the SchoolDude login page (www.emuhsd.org/schooldude) and input in your full emuhsd.org district email address and password. Once submitted, you will be redirected to the SchoolDude system. If you have any trouble with your login, feel free to contact your local site tech, TTL, or contact the EMUHSD Helpdesk directly @ x4357 (HELP) Note: The screenshot and fields will be slightly different based upon the type of support request you are submitting.Follow the numbers on the graphic below to walk you through the steps involved for submitting a request.- Select the appropriate type of request from the tabs above. They are in this order: Maintenance (Maint), Technology (IT), Room Reservations (Schedule), & Transportation (Trip). The My Requests simply allows you to see previously submitted requests.
Enter in your phone extension or best number to reach you.
- Enter in your school site location.
- Enter in your room number or area (check the box below area so that it will remember selections 1-4 for future tickets.)
- Enter in a Problem Type from the provided dropdown list (or icons) given. Try to match up the type to the one closest to your problem area.
- Enter in a full description of the problem. Please include all relevant details needed to complete the task, which will save time on processing the request as well as ensure that we have the right staff member assigned to it.
- Enter in an attachment, if any, by clicking the link provided and uploading the image/file (not required).
- Lastly, click the Submit button.
The support request will be routed to appropriate staff person and you should be contacted within 1-2 business days at the very most. You'll be given status updates as the request is updated and/or completed via email. We thank you for using the EMUSHD Support Request System via SchoolDude and we hope that you find the experience enjoyable. You will be sent opportunities to provide us feedback on the process and completion satisfaction via a Google Survey upon completion. We encourage staff to take the time to fill out the survey, good or bad, so that we can continue to improve the process for all EMUHSD employees. - To make an Technology, Maintenance, Facilites (Room Reservations) or Transportation request, you can do it all from one screen now. Click and bookmark this link--> www.emuhsd.org/schooldude