Assessment, Accountability and Family Engagement
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The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) replaced the California English Language Development Test (CELDT ) beginning in the 2017–18 school year.
The ELPAC is aligned to California's English Language Development Standards and assesses English language proficiency in the four areas of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.The ELPAC is comprised of two different assessments, the Initial assessment & Summative assessment as identified below:
• Initial Assessment (IA) - used for the initial identification of English learners (administration window is from July 1st through June 30th)
• Summative Assessment (SA) - used for the annual measure of an English learner's progress in learning English (administration window is from February 1st through May 31st).- The Alternate assessment is also available for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are English Learners (Summatie), and potential English Learners (Initial), who have been identified as having a primary language other than English. Furthermore, their individualized education program (IEP) team has determined that they are eligible for an alternate assessment.
Visit the ELPAC website ( for more information.
Additional Resources:
- ELPAC Practice Tests (Grade 9-10) (Grade 11-12)
- Starting Smarter - This website provides additional information for parents to understand the ELPAC and how to support learning at home.
- A Parent Guide to Understanding the English Langauge Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) (pdf)
- Guía de padres para comprender las Pruebas de Suficiencia en el Idioma Inglés de California (ELPAC) (pdf)
- 家长指南: 了解加州英语语言能力评估 (ELPAC) (pdf)
- Hướng dẫn cho cha mẹ để hiểu vỀ thẩm định khả năng thông thạo anh ngữ cho California (ELPAC) (pdf)
- Summative ELPAC Domain Information Sheet for LISTENING (pdf)
Hoja de informacion del área AUDITIVO del ELPAC Sumative (pdf) - Summative ELPAC Domain Information Sheet for SPEAKING (pdf)
Hoja de informacion del área ORAL del ELPAC Sumative (pdf) - Summative ELPAC Domain Information Sheet for READING (pdf)
Hoja de informacion del área LECTURA del ELPAC Sumative (pdf) - Summative ELPAC Domain Information Sheet for WRITING (pdf)
Hoja de informacion del área ESCRITURA del ELPAC Sumative (pdf)