- Rosemead HS
- Department Goals
Visual and Performing Arts Department
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Goals/Plan of Actions:
- 50% of students articulate from level 1 to level 2 in drama, visual arts, performing arts.
- Enrollment of students from one course to the other.
- Collaboration with the Guidance Office
- 8th Grade orientation
- Students exhibit 50% proficiency in performing arts standards (drama, visual, and performing arts)
- Student performance will be assessed using specific rubrics.
- Teachers adhere to Performing and Visual Arts standards.
- 80% of Performing and Visual Arts students participate in culminating activities.
- Participates in: Concerts, Drama, Festivals, Art Show
- Increase the display of student work
- Students showcase their talents and abilities during school and community performances
- VAPA Showcase planned for Feb. 2019 in the RHS auditorium. The theme is a circus and we will be including music from “The Greatest Showman”
- Supports enhancing literacy and numeracy in the VAPA classes.
- Reading literature - Literacy (Drama)
- Music reading - Numeracy
- Math integration in Art classes - shapes and figures.
- Student reflections on performances or recording - Literacy
- Increase teacher collaboration (meeting and big production).
- To continue successful and effective collaboration within the VAPA Department, across curriculum areas, and between EMUHSD schools in the area of music. We will collaborate on one major performance this year.
- Communicate/reach out to the RHS community in particular and the community in general.
- To create an outstanding VAPA presence on the RHS campus. We will send emails, post flyers, and have announcements made for every competition, performance, or event.
- We are working on small ways that we can bring attention to student successes in VAPA, especially in visual art, because in the past it has had the least exposure on campus. This includes emails, announcements, displays of student work, and collaboration with performing arts
- To highlight RHS VAPA programs and student achievement on the RHS website. By the end of the school year, every area - drama, art, and music will have course descriptions, detailed information about each department, video, and audio links on the RHS website.
- We are already inputting data and will add pictures, as well as video and audio links. This will include course descriptions as well as project and performance examples