- Rosemead HS
- Department Goals
2020-2021 Goals and Plan of Action:
- Increase EL reclassification rate and students yearly progress.
- Raise the percentage of current English learners making progress towards English language proficiency or maintaining the highest level by 5%.
- Reduce the percentage of EL students who decreased at least one ELPI level by 2%.
- Increase EL graduation rate by 2%.
- Reviewed transcripts of all senior English learners.
- Accurately identify students eligible for graduation exemption.
- Offered multiple pathways to seniors missing graduation credits.
- Monitor students' progress every grading period and provide timely intervention.
- Improve EL college and career readiness and strive to increase status level by 2%.
- Review transcripts on students’ progress toward fulfilling the A-G requirements
- Assist the Guidance Office in placement and schedule
- Monitor student progress every grading period.
- Encourage completion of pathways.
- Increase the Seal of Biliteracy award rate
- Improve students' academic listening and speaking skills.
- Encourage meaningful interaction among students
- Provide structured opportunities for students to practice listening and speaking in daily instruction
- Facilitate more professional development workshops on EL instructional strategies.
- Provide professional development opportunities on designated and integrated ELD to all teachers.
- Develop and share EL information and resources with admin, counselors, and teachers.
- Offer EL training and workshops for departments and at school-wide and district-wide PDs.
- Collaborate with teachers on assessment-instruction alignment, data analysis, standards-based instruction.
- Meet with each ELD teacher and ALD teachers regularly to offer coaching and instructional support.
- Facilitate bi-monthly collaboration meetings with ELD and ALD teachers to analyze assessment data and discuss implication on instruction.
- Meet with content teachers to share data and ELD instruction at least once a month or as needed.