• 2020-2021 Goals and Plan of Action:

    1. Increase EL reclassification rate and students yearly progress.
      1. Raise the percentage of current English learners making progress towards English language proficiency or maintaining the highest level by 5%.
      2. Reduce the percentage of EL students who decreased at least one ELPI level by 2%.
    2. Increase EL graduation rate by 2%.
      1. Reviewed transcripts of all senior English learners.
      2. Accurately identify students eligible for graduation exemption.
      3. Offered multiple pathways to seniors missing graduation credits.
      4. Monitor students' progress every grading period and provide timely intervention.
    3. Improve EL college and career readiness and strive to increase status level by 2%.
      1. Review transcripts on students’ progress toward fulfilling the A-G requirements
      2. Assist the Guidance Office in placement and schedule
      3. Monitor student progress every grading period.
      4. Encourage completion of pathways.
      5. Increase the Seal of Biliteracy award rate
    4. Improve students' academic listening and speaking skills.
      1. Encourage meaningful interaction among students
      2. Provide structured opportunities for students to practice listening and speaking in daily instruction
    5. Facilitate more professional development workshops on EL instructional strategies.
      1. Provide professional development opportunities on designated and integrated ELD to all teachers.
      2. Develop and share EL information and resources with admin, counselors, and teachers.
      3. Offer EL training and workshops for departments and at school-wide and district-wide PDs.
    6. Collaborate with teachers on assessment-instruction alignment, data analysis, standards-based instruction.
      1. Meet with each ELD teacher and ALD teachers regularly to offer coaching and instructional support.
      2. Facilitate bi-monthly collaboration meetings with ELD and ALD teachers to analyze assessment data and discuss implication on instruction.
      3. Meet with content teachers to share data and ELD instruction at least once a month or as needed.