Welcome Back!

  • We are excited to start the new school year. Tired of sitting at a desk all day. Then PE is the class for you. Here you will get to move, enjoy yourself and help eliminate some of the academic stress in your life.

     A few notes:

    PE clothes will be on sale beginning on Monday the first day of school. The Student Store will be selling them. They can be bought during class time (except 4th period), before school, after school, and during lunch. The cost is $12 for the shorts, $11 for the shirt. Locks are available for $7 or you can buy your own at your favorite store. Only combination locks can be used, please do not buy a lock that requires a key. At this time students will only be able to purchase one set of clothes. This will ensure that we will have enough for each student. After the 3rd week of school, additional clothes may be purchased.

    Only cash will be accepted for payment. Students must also have their ID card when purchasing.

    On the first day, each student will receive a PE Department Contract and an Acknowledgment form. You can get ahead of the game by downloading the Acknowledgment form, sign it and have the student bring it back on the first day of school. A student will need a signed Acknowledgment form to receive a locker.

  • Contact Us Here:

    Rosemead High School
    Physical Education (PE) Department
    9063 E. Mission Drive,
    Rosemead, CA 91770

    Department Chair
    Jim Zwick
