• Why do we NEED an Assessment Plan?

    • Assessment is an integral part of instruction, teaching and learning process
    • It is an essential part of what we do – as teachers (CSTP)
    • Adapt to the evolving change in education: CCSS (English, Math), NGSS (Science), and C3 (Social Studies) Frameworks
    • Accountability System
      • WASC Category D - Standard-based Student Learning: Assessment and Accountability
        • D1: Using Assessment to Analyze and Report Student Progress
        • D2: Using Assessment to Monitor and Modify Learning in the Classroom Criterion
        • D3: Using Assessment to Monitor and Modify the Program Schoolwide Criterion
      • California School Dashboard
        • Chronic Absenteeism
        • Suspension Rate
        • English Learner Progress
        • Graduation Rate
        • College and Career

     Purpose of the Assessment Plan

    • Provides a picture of what has been accomplished and what needs to be done.
    • Enhance the effectiveness of programs
    • Facilitates process/documentation of outcomes, assessment, activities
    • Breaks down the assessment cycle into simple tasks
    • Helps to guide decision-making and plan of action
    • Helps to identify where support is needed