English as a Second Language (ESL)
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language has the highest enrollment at El Monte-Rosemead Adult School with more than 5,000 students per year. Seven levels of English are offered in teacher directed, distance learning, and online courses. Conversation and Citizenship classes are also provided. Sixty-five ESL classes are offered each day in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
The levels of instruction offered range from beginning literacy to advanced high and address all language skill areas. Upon completion of the ESL program and qualifying entrance tests, pupils may advance to classes in the High School Diploma Program.
Conversation classes are available at some locations. Citizenship is offered through the Distance Learning Program and select classes on and off campus.INGLES COMO SEGUNDO IDIOMA
Este programa está disponible para estudiantes que estén interesados en aprender a hablar, leer y escribir el idioma inglés. Los estudiantes son registrados en uno de siete niveles desde in álfabeto a avanzado según los resultados de un examen. Al terminar el programa de ESL y aprobar el examen del dominio de ingles los estudiantes puden avanzar a el progama de diploma de preparatoria.
Clases de conversacion en ingles estan disponnibles en algunas localidades. Tambien se ofrece el programa de ciudadania atravez del programa de Aprendizaje a Distancia y clases selectas fuera del campus.Beginning Literacy 2.1010
This course is designed for students who are not literate in their native language. Students will build a basic vocabulary including letters, numbers, and life skills. They will learn to speak, read, and write in English.
Beginning 2.1020 (Beginning Low and Beginning High)
This course is designed for students to learn how to communicate in everyday situations and build a larger vocabulary through listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities.
Intermediate 2.1030 (Intermediate Low and Intermediate High)
This course is designed for students who can understand and communicate simple oral and written messages in English. Students will learn beginning problem solving and critical thinking. Reading and writing development will be emphasized.
Advanced 2.1040 (Advanced Low and Advanced High)
This course is designed for students who wish to further develop problem solving and critical thinking skills. Advanced reading, writing, and conversation will be introduced to help students prepare for the world of work and community living. A one-hour transitional English class is provided weekly.
ESL Conversation 2.1050
This course is designed for ESL students who wish to strengthen their conversation skills.